5 simple word stress rules to improve your pronunciation

Here is a short explanation on what word stress is as well as five common word stress patterns that will help you accentuate the right syllables and speak English like a native speaker.

These rules will enable you to improve your intonation and speak with a better accent. Understanding and mastering the rhythm of English is crucial to be well understood and reach a high level of oral expression in English.

Rule #1

The stress is on the first syllable for most Nouns with 2 syllables
 KNOWledge
 CLImate
 GRAMmar
 PROduct
 TAble
 CHIna

The stress is on the first syllable for most Adjectives with 2 syllables
 HAPpy
 CLEver
 SPAcious
 HANDsome
 GRACEful

Rule #2
The stress is on the last syllable for most Verbs with 2 syllables.
 exPORT
 perMIT
 seCURE
 proMISS
 comPLY

Rule #3
The stress is usually on the second last syllable for the words ending.
 eduCAtion
 maGIcian
 insti TUtion
 muSIcian
 concenTRAtion
 exTENsion
 techNIcian
 perMISsion
 obSESsion
**exception: TElevision

Rule #4
Stress is on the second last syllable for words ending in –IC.
 econNOmic
 reaLIStic
 straTEgic
 meCHAnic
 geoGRAphic

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